Golf enthusiasts, golf managers, golf course operators, golf professionals and greenkeepers have appreciated the expertise and first-class information content of golfmanager and Greenkeepers Journal magazines since 2009. As the association organ of the professional associations Golf Management Verband Deutschland e.V. (GMVD), Bundesverband Golfanlagen e.V. (BVGA) and Greenkeeper Verband Deutschland e.V. (GVD), our magazines reach almost all golf courses in Germany.

Since 2016, the online presence has bundled the expertise of both magazines - ideal for all managers at golf courses. If you follow the colours of the homepage, you will quickly find the information relevant to you: in the "blue area" you will find everything from the subject area of golfmanager, in the "green area" the information from Greenkeepers Journal.

Thanks to our strong partners from the golf supply industry, golf course equipment suppliers and service providers in this field, you will not only receive specialised information but also helpful information on products that you need in your everyday work or that can simplify it - both for the "blue" and the "green".


The "blue section" of gmgk-online provides information through the always thoroughly researched specialist articles of golfmanager. Here, management and marketing topics are competently presented alongside "excursions" into other areas important for golf courses - true to the motto of the specialist portal: Expertise in golf



Greenkeepers Journal

In the "green section" of you will find specialist articles from the international journal European Journal of Turfgrass Science as well as the contents of the renowned Greenkeepers Journal. The information is aimed at managers from the areas of green spaces on golf courses but also from other areas, such as gardening and landscaping and from local authorities.